>>Secure Windows logons with two-factor authentication (2FA).>

Secure Windows logons with two-factor authentication (2FA).

No te pierdas este webinar (en inglés) en el cual un técnico especialista de ManageEngine mostrará cómo asegurar los inicios de sesión de Windows con la autenticación de dos factores (2FA).

Why Attend This webinar?

Social engineering attacks have increased and the advancements in these attacking techniques sure cause a concern about organization’s security. The easiest way to break into a network is by misusing a user’s identity. A strong password can also be compromised and we have to come to terms with password strengthening not being the only answer to protecting user accounts from these attacks.

Join our product expert in this session to learn how to boost your organization’s security with an additional layer of authentication.


  • Strengthen passwords with a granular password policy.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for both local and remote desktop logons.
  • Enforce granular 2FA based on OUs and groups in the Active Directory.
Este webex está impartido directamente por un consultor técnico especialista de ManageEngine ADManager Plus y será en inglés. Sólo necesitas un dispositivo (ordenador, móvil, tablet, etc.) con conexión Internet. Para el audio se puede utilizar el teléfono o incluso los auriculares o altavoces de tu dispositivo.


23 Abr 2019


15:00h - 15:45h




Online ME 23419

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