>>NetFlow analyzer: Getting the initial settings right!>
  • netflow analyzer free training

NetFlow analyzer: Getting the initial settings right!

Free Bandwidth Management Training!

Attend our free online training to brush up your troubleshooting skills
NetFlow Analyzer offers free training to its users to help understanding the product better and share tips and tricks to make best use of your bandwidth management tool. The training starts from November 12, 2019 and will happen on Wednesday for two weeks.
The first step of bandwidth monitoring is successfully configuring flow exports from all your network devices and selecting which interfaces you need to monitor. During this training session, we’ll show you how to simplify these tasks in NetFlow Analyzer and get started quickly. We’re also going to show off NetFlow Analyzer’s new UI, which offers various customization options to simplify bandwidth monitoring and save time analyzing network traffic.


  • Configuring flow exports easy way
  • Traffic grouping
  • Application mapping
  • Customized traffic monitoring
  • Alerting
Register now


12 Nov 2019


16:30h - 17:30h




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